Sunday, January 1

A New Year Has Come...

It's a little absurd (to me) the attention that a new year gets, that people treat it as a new beginning. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just that every new day - in my opinion - is chance to make a change; a chance to fix things; a chance to do things better. 

Looking back on the last twelve months, though, I've let time slip through my fingers. It's been a year of change, definitely, but that said, I'm not where I thought I'd be this time a year ago, so I'm going to give this 'resolutions' thing a go.

Twelve things for 2012:

1. I want to be a better friend to the people I already have in my life. I want to be a little less selfish; I need to make it less about me, and more about them. Spend time with them. Listen to them. Cherish them. Love them.

2. I have something of a "bucket list"; a list of things I really want to do at some stage of my life. I want to turn it into a 'thirty before 30' list, and start making my way through the list. I want to start doing, rather than always sitting here thinking.

3. I want to update more often. I started this blog as a way of dealing with the multitude of thoughts I have circling my mind, a way to keep memories; something to look back on later and see how I've grown, and so far, I've been terrible at it. I don't want to be someone that posts crap just for the sake of updating, but I have come across a few ideas that could be fun, and will possibly help me to get into a routine with updating.

4. I want to start properly saving money again. Granted, the reasons my savings were wiped out were legitimate reasons, but it's never fun living paycheck to paycheck.

5. I want to give people an honest chance.  I've never felt the need to be popular, and I've never let people in easily. In fact, I try to make it as difficult as possible to befriend me. At the very least, I want to open myself up a little more; learn to trust people, instead of automatically doubting everyone.

6. I want to participate in a few reading challenges. I have been searching the internet for ones that pique my interest, so I just need to make my mind up regarding which challenges to attempt. I've set up a GoodReads profile in anticipation.

7. I have been terrible with my health and fitness over the past year, and as a result, I'm currently sitting at my heaviest weight. I'm not that concerned with a number; I just want to feel good. I really miss boxing, so I want to get back into that, and also attempt the Couch-to-5k beginner's running schedule.

8. Volunteer. This has been something I've wanted to do for quite a while now. I don't know where, yet, but I want to stop thinking about this, and actually do it.

9. I want to be more organised, both at work and home. I've purchased a day planner for 2012, and I've already noted the important events and tasks that I'm currently aware of. This should be easy to keep up-to-date.

10. I want to finish my Diploma in Business. I have two papers left, so all going well, I should be able to finish this, and graduate (finally) by year end.

11. I want to make a scrapbook of 2012. I used to take photo's all the time, but that has fallen by the wayside this year. (Actually, I really need to organise my harddrive in regards to all the pictures I've taken to date. It's a mess.) I think a scrapbook will be a great way to get back into the habit of taking pictures, and also serve as a memory of the year. I'm already in love with this idea.

12. I want to be more positive in 2012. It's so easy to be cynical, to constantly focus on the negative, and that's not fun at all. I want this year to be a great year. I want to be a happier person.

So, there's my twelve things for 2012. Let's see how I go.

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