Saturday, December 25

'Tis the season (or something like that)

To be honest, I'm not a Christmas person. At all. I love the summer holiday, the break from work, but the actual Christmas of it? I could really do without it.

I don't think that there's any particular reason that I fail to 'get into the Christmas spirit'. It's just not my thing. The whole Christmas deal seems to be more of a stress than anything else; it's so commercialised and seems to be about who gets what and who spends the most money (on what is usually utter crap) rather than spending time with the people you love and having fun, which is more my kind of party.

All that said, I've had a great day. I've been home alone and I'm one of those people that loves time on my own. I've settled down on the couch with a bottle (yes, a bottle) of Champagne, chocolates, some trashy TV, (seriously, it's reality TV), movies and the laptop. It's extremely relaxing and this is how the holiday period should be spent.

Happy holidays.

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